Are Aesculapian Snakes Poisonous?

Perhaps you’ve heard a story about an unfortunate snake being killed by an Aesculapian snake or another tale of a victim being bitten by an Aesculapian snake. You might even know someone who saw it happen. But are Aesculapian snakes poisonous? The short answer is: No, they aren’t poisonous. The long answer requires a bit more explanation… There are two reasons why the Aesculapian snake (also known as the WÅôrster Viper) has been labeled as poisonous. Firstly, the venom produced by this snake is not its primary defense mechanism; rather, it is used primarily to subdue its prey. Secondly, some people mistakenly link the term “poisonous” with venomous snakes – which are completely different things!

Aesculapian Snakes Are Not Poisonous

In the strictest sense, no snake is poisonous. Venom is a substance used to subdue prey, whereas poison is a substance that is lethal upon ingestion. This means that humans don’t have the right enzymes to break down snake venom, which makes it lethal upon ingestion. The word “poisonous” is a misnomer. The term should be “venomous”, as poison is a substance ingested, and venom is a substance injected. This is a very nuanced subject, so for our purposes here, we will stick with the term “poisonous”.

Aesculapian Snake Venom Is Not Lethal For Humans

Although Aesculapian snakes are indeed venomous, their venom is not lethal for humans. Their venom is quite mild and is only dangerous if it is injected into your bloodstream. Because the venom is injected at the base of the fangs, it is only a danger if it gets into your bloodstream; and because Aesculapian snakes are very gentle creatures, they will not inject the venom into your bloodstream. However, just to be on the safe side, it is a good idea to seek medical attention if you believe you were bitten by an Aesculapian snake.

Why Are Aesculapian Snakes Labeled “Poisonous”?

As mentioned above, the venom produced by Aesculapian snakes is not lethal for humans. That being said, the venom is extremely toxic. So toxic that it can cause severe swelling and even temporary paralysis in humans. It is for this reason that Aesculapian snakes are labeled “poisonous”: because their venom is so toxic that it can cause severe bodily harm.

So Are They Or Aren’t They?

Although Aesculapian snakes are indeed venomous, and their venom is extremely toxic, the venom is not lethal. It is therefore only “poisonous” in the sense that it is toxic enough to cause bodily harm. Thus, if someone tells you that Aesculapian snakes are poisonous, correct them by saying that they are venomous. That being said, since venom is extremely toxic, it is also probably best to clarify that they are harmless to humans.