Can Planes Fly Into Space? 6 Reasons That are Breaking Boundaries

Okay! So this time, I will talk about something extreme: Can planes fly into space? Why do we need all the rockets. Is it true that we can pass the atmosphere using an airplane? Is it possible?

Can Planes Fly Into Space? Penetrate gravity

Can Planes Fly Into Space

Unfortunately, it’s … almost impossible! In other words, to reach space, the plane must be able to fly against the force of the gravity of the earth.

Yeah. Gravity is the “main enemy” that makes humans difficult to go to space.

In other words, in order for the plane to enter the space, the plane must go very, very, very quickly! But the reality is now, the fastest plane in the world, only has speed that about a one-fifth of the speed required (that is to say 40,000 km / hour).

The fastest plane in the world: Lockheed SR-71 requires 5x faster speed to go to space.

And not only that, the design and type of fuel of planes also do not allow it to browse the earth’s atmosphere. The question is: why is that? Why is it so complicated and so many factors to be able to enter space?

High, so high!

Well, to facilitate the task, imagine that the border between the earth and the space is equivalent to 11 Mount Everest stacked. Say what?

Just one Everest is already high … Imagine how the eleven Mount Everest to be stacked? Whoops!

Lack Of Oxygen

There are many reasons why we cannot just use planes to enter space. The main reason is that the more we get higher, the less air – or more specifically, the less “oxygen” is in the air. The engine helps the plane flying. Like car engines, plane engines need oxygen to work. Fortunately, the air we breathe is made up of 21% oxygen (even if you can’t see it)!

Well, that is why the more we are close to space, the more the diluting air is really! As a result, there are no air molecules that can lift the plane and there is not enough oxygen to burn the fuel!

The higher you go, the less oxygen available! The plane (engine) requires oxygen to fly, which is why it does not have the strength to go to space.

The plane sucks the air at the front, using large fans on both sides. They then mix this air with the jet fuel creating a fuel mixture. Oxygen is burned to make air hotter. The hot air is then pulled from behind at a very high speed – propelling the plane forward.

Oh No! Not That Close!

A plane trying to fly too close to the space, where there is not enough oxygen, is like someone who tries to breathe in a room without air. This is why we need rockets to go to space. The rocket engines and the jet engines used in the planes are very different. Rocket engines do not need to get air oxygen. Instead, this machine carries its oxygen.

In some ways, it’s bad. Because the rocket engine must transport something that can be easily obtained by the planes of its environment. This means that there is less room in the rocket for other cargoes, such as passengers and luggage. But on the other hand, bringing oxygen for travel means that rockets can work in space. Its flight range is also much higher than most planes.

Finally, if you just force your way through the plane will lose its control and of course will not be very long to fall back on earth. Okay, so if you can’t go to space, then what is the maximum height can the plane fly?

In fact, the planes that we usually ride can only fly up to 12 km.

It seems small, just 12 kilometers away, just imagine like hundreds of Eiffel Tower has stacked in one!

And, in fact, there are already planes that can fly a little above the earth’s atmosphere. But in fact, this plane was raised up to 13 km before being propelled by a rocket engine.

No, not by Superman! But powered by a rocket. So, how do that can planes fly into space, actually?

How do rocket engines work?

Similar to a plane reaction engine, a rocket engine operates by pulling very hot gas at the back of a rocket. When the gas is pushed, the rocket is pushed forward. This is an example of a science rule called the Third Law of Motion, discovered for the first time by a famous scientist named Isaac Newton.

This law says that each action has an equal and opposite reaction. You can even make a very simple “rocket” at home with the help of an adult! If you have a balloon, blow it. Then remove it without closing the ends. The air inside the ball will burst and fly in the room – like a very poorly controlled rocket!

Okay, if the planes cannot, why can rockets go through space? The answer is short, because the rocket and the plane … definitely different! If you think about it, the way a rocket works is like an inflatable balloon that is released to let it fly.

Be ready…

In essence, the rocket is made as simple as possible, and the rocket needs several levels of super strong thrust in order to also overcome the super strong gravitational force of the earth. And the story of rocket technology is actually quite simple, but also super complex to understand.

Who knows what that could be happen in the future?

For the conclusion, back to our main question, can planes fly into space? For the moment, flying in space using an airplane seems difficult to do. But do not stop dreaming, because perhaps in the future, we can build an airport, which is located in a faraway space.