Can The Rain Charmer Control the Rain?

Apart from roadside tire repairman, Pak Ogah around the corner, and regular massage therapists, there is another profession that, uh, only exists in Indonesia. He is… a rain charmer! His services are often used at large events to hold water in the clouds so that it doesn’t fall to the ground. But, can the rain charmer control the rain?

Can the rain charmer control the rain?

The answer, can not be proven! Because the ability of the rain charmer is arguably more like a supernatural ability. It is outside the realm of science to be proven true.

Usually, each rain charmer has his way to ward off the coming rain. This means that these methods have not been developed through structured research and can be tested.

But, can we regulate the weather without supernatural powers?

The answer is yes! And in fact, there are ways to — in a cool term — manipulate the weather. One of them by spreading salt in the air. This scattered salt will later enter the clouds and accelerate the process of forming raindrops.

As a result, it will rain in a short time so that farmers don’t have to wonder and worry for a long time because their fields are dry. Not only controlling rain but hurricanes can also be tamed by changing the structure and wind speed using dry ice.

These methods have been widely used by countries whose technology is no less effective than rain charmers. For example, China shoots rockets so that the clouds disperse.

Or sprinkle dry ice into the clouds as we do in America to avoid a hurricane. Or like in the United Arab Emirates, which gives researchers a lot of money, so they can make tools that control the rain as they wish.

In short, weather manipulation is often done. Apart from letting you know when to bring a raincoat when you leave the house, controlling the weather has benefits for overcoming drought and even preventing natural disasters.

So now we don’t need to call the rain charmer to control the weather today. But even so, as the saying goes, don’t forget to have an umbrella — as well as a raincoat — before we get wet.