Do Barracudas Eat Clownfish? How To Keep Your Fish Safe

Keeping marine aquariums is a hobby that’s growing rapidly in popularity. You can now find dedicated fish stores as well as online retailers selling everything you need to set up your own tank at home. If you have your own tank or are thinking of getting one soon, it’s important to know what precautions you need to take to ensure the safety of your pet fish. Does barracudas eat clownfish?

Even though the image of a shark eating a clownfish is almost universal, this doesn’t mean barracudas eat clownfish. In fact, they will not hunt or eat smaller fish like clownfish because they don’t fit into their diet. However, there are certain species of barracuda that will hunt and eat smaller fish such as neon gobies and cardinal gobies so if you keep either of these in your tank you must take extra precautions.

What Barracudas Eat

Barracudas are carnivorous fish that feed on crustaceans and mollusks. Fish make up a small part of their diet with smaller fish like gobies, shrimp, and krill making up most of their diet. Barracudas have a varied diet, but they are not particularly picky.

It’s because of this that they are so successful and found in so many different environments. When they are looking for a meal, they are very opportunistic and will eat whatever is most readily available. They will eat whatever they can get their teeth into and then spit the indigestible parts like bones, scales, and claws out.

How to Keep Fish Safe from Barracudas

– Keep smaller fish out of the way

If you keep smaller fish like neon gobies, cardinal gobies, or shrimp in your tank, you will need to make sure they are well hidden. This will prevent barracudas from seeing them and actively hunting them.

– Keep fish out of the barracuda’s path

If you’re keeping larger fish like angelfish or clownfish, you don’t need to worry about the barracuda actively hunting them. However, if they get too close to the barracuda, they will be eaten.

– Keep the tank well-lit

Barracudas are nocturnal hunters and will actively hunt at night. Keeping your tank well-lit will hopefully deter them from hunting and stay out of your tank.

What You Can Do To Keep Fish Out of Barracuda’s Way

– Don’t overcrowd the tank

This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s important to keep the number of fish in your tank at a reasonable level. If you have too many fish, they will be competing for food and territory, which can cause aggression and stress. This can lead to infections, fin rot, and other problems.

– Feed your fish a varied diet

Feeding your fish a varied diet that includes different types of food will help to keep them healthy. It will also help to prevent fin rot, which is an infection that can cause growths on the fins of your fish.

– Regularly clean your tank

A clean tank is a healthy tank. Regularly cleaning your tank with an aquarium cleaner is not only good for the environment, but it will also keep your fish healthy by keeping parasites at bay.


Barracudas are amazing creatures, but they are not out to hunt and eat your fish. If you take a few simple steps to ensure the safety of your fish, you will be able to keep them happily in your tank for years to come.

Barracudas can grow to be very large, so make sure to choose a tank that is large enough to accommodate them. You should also take care when selecting your fish as some species are more likely to be targeted by the barracuda.