How Do Canary Birds Mate?

In the wild, canary birds tend to be monogamous. However, in captivity that isn’t always the case. Sometimes a male will mate with more than one female and even with other males. How do canary birds mate? This type of behavior is more common among domesticated canaries than their wild counterparts.

In general, it depends on a combination of factors including the type of environment and the individual bird’s personality whether they choose to mate. Canary birds don’t have much of a courtship ritual but instead, rely on sight and smell to mate successfully.

When deciding a mate, both male and female canary birds look for certain physical characteristics such as body size and wing length. Canary breeding season is between June and September in most parts of the world.

During this time, you should monitor your pet birds closely for mating behavior. Males tend to be more aggressive during this period. They will also begin building nests out of twigs, bark, or other materials they find in their enclosure.

If you notice these signs (as well as an increase in feeder activity), mating is likely imminent. And you should keep a close eye on both your male and female canaries. So you can assist them if necessary.

What Is Canary Egg-laying?

Canary egg-laying is the process by which females lay eggs. These are incubated inside the body and then eventually laid by the female on the ground of the enclosure. Canary egg-laying typically occurs once per year, usually between April and August.

It can occur at other times but is much less common. If you notice this behavior in your pet birds, be sure to keep an eye on the nest(s) because the eggs can be put in danger from predators or other environmental factors.

How Do Canary Birds Lay Eggs?

Female canary birds begin egg-laying by selecting a suitable nesting site, usually somewhere inside the enclosure like a box or crevice. They will then begin to build the actual nest using a variety of materials. Some females don’t use a nest at all, simply depositing the eggs on the ground of the enclosure.

Because of this, it is important to monitor your canary bird’s nesting behavior closely, so you can clean the eggs if necessary. Once the nest is complete, the female will lay between one and seven eggs. Some females lay more eggs than others and there isn’t a way to predict how many will be laid.

The eggs then begin to incubate inside the body of the female canary. This process typically takes around two weeks but can vary depending on the individual. Once the eggs are ready to be laid, they are expelled from the female canary and left in the nest.

Where Do Canary Eggs Come From?

After the canary eggs are laid, they can be removed from the enclosure for cleaning purposes. It is recommended that you do this by gently lifting the eggs using a spoon or other tool to not damage the delicate surface of the eggshell.

You should then clean the eggs with warm water and a soft, clean cloth. Once the eggs are clean, you can set them back in the nest or place them in a new, clean nest. Canaries usually continue to incubate their eggs, even after they have been cleaned. Canary eggs are fully grown after around 10 days.

How Long Does Canary Pregnancy Last?

Canary pregnancy lasts around 12 to 14 days. It is during this time that the embryos inside the eggs are developing into fully formed birds that can be hatched and raised by their mother. Once the canary pregnancy period is over, you should carefully remove the eggs from the nest and place them in a bowl of warm water.

Place them somewhere warm and quiet, so they can hatch without being disturbed by the noise and activity in your household. For best results, wait until all the eggs have hatched before attempting to raise the baby canaries.

When Are Canary Babies Born?

Canary babies are born fully established and able to care for themselves. They are born with their eyes open and inside the nest, they will instinctively begin pecking at the other eggs in an attempt to make them hatch sooner.

When the canary babies are born, they will be covered in a sticky substance called Vernix. This protects them from infection until their first set of feathers is grown.

How Many Eggs Does A Canary Lay?

Female canaries can lay between one and seven eggs during their lifetime. These numbers can vary between different breeds of canary. Depending on how many eggs the female canary lays and how many survive until hatching, you can expect to raise between one and three baby canaries at a time.


Canary mating can be a fun experience to watch, but it’s important to keep a close eye on your birds, so you can intervene if necessary. If you are breeding your canaries, be sure to keep good records, so you can track the lineage of each baby and make breeding notes for the future. Good luck with your mating canaries!