How Much Food is Wasted in This World?

Very often, when we are hungry, we usually take the food right away. Even though when you eat it, the ends… Not fully finished. Finally, the delicious food ended up in the trash can. And maybe this scenario is what keeps happening in every restaurant, supermarket, and even our neighbors’ parties! The question is: how much food is wasted in this world? Can we stop all the parties in this world so that no more food is wasted!?

How Much Food is Wasted in This World?

According to a sociologist from Uncle Sam’s country, to be able to live, every human being must at least be able to meet these 3 basic needs. But it turns out, starting from the time humans were still building civilization early on until now you can watch country videos on the internet, these 3 needs are still problems that can’t be solved! There are still 815 million people who are hungry in the world. Starting from countries in Africa, the Middle East, and even our own country.

Believe it or not, amid the famine that hit, it turns out that the world is not short of food supplies as we thought, it can even be said to be excessive! Yes, in fact, of the entire world’s food supply, a third of it will end up in landfills. Yet all of it is delicious food that is worth consuming. And, it’s not just that, the food that becomes “food waste” is actually enough to feed 3 billion people at once!!!

What’s the Worse News?

As it turns out, this is not entirely the fault of our neighbors. But according to FAO, this “lost” food is wasted when we produce, harvest, store… And also when we process, ship, and consume. So because we like to waste raw food, we also waste energy sources used in the production process as well. And the worse news is that, apart from wasting food that could be used by people who are still hungry, our leftovers also contribute to increased emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere when they decompose.

So if we eat, maybe we have to think many times first to measure the portion that we can spend. Because our food is not only for us but for our brothers and sisters who are starving and also for our earth!