How to Solve Fish Pattern in Rubik’s Cube in Less Than 15 Seconds

Do you know Tommy Cherry? He is a teenager from the US who can solve Rubik’s cube in only less than 15 seconds. That’s why Cherry also got a Guinness World Record and even broke his record in 2021. How to solve fish patterns in Rubik’s cube is one of the things you should learn if inspired by Cherry. Let’s learn how to solve it and be like Tommy Cherry someday.

About Fish Pattern in Rubik’s Cube

Just like its name, the fish pattern in Rubik’s cube looks like a fish. In this position, there are six squares in the same color. The square in the corner will be the head of the fish. The other squares are the body and tail of the fish. There will be three different colors and all of them are in the corner.

Things to Know Before Solving Fish Pattern in Rubik’s Cube 

The first thing you should know to solve the fish pattern in this game is the symbols to move the squares. For example, R means right up whereas Ri means right down or L means left up and Li means left down. These symbols are known as an algorithm in Rubik’s cube game. There are at least 10 symbols in the Rubik’s cube algorithm. So, try to memorize the following algorithm to solve all patterns, including fish patterns:

  • R means Right Up
  • L means Left Up
  • U means Up Right
  • Ri means Right Down
  • Li means Left Down
  • Ui means Up Left
  • F means Front Clockwise
  • Fi means Front Counter Clockwise
  • B means Back Clockwise
  • Bi means Back Counter Clockwise

There are also the terms in Rubik’s cube fish pattern known as a little fish, a big fish, double fish, and a no-fish pattern. A little fish pattern is when a yellow square faces you while the fish pattern is on the top.

On the other hand, a big fish pattern is when there is no yellow square facing you while the fish pattern is on the top. A double fish pattern is when you get 2 yellows on the left side and two on the right side. A no-fish pattern is when there are 2 yellows on the left side, 1 on the front right, and 1 on the back right. So, how to solve fish pattern in Rubik’s cube?

The Way to Solve a Little Fish Pattern in Rubik’s Cube 

Say that you are in a little fish pattern position while playing Rubik’s cube. You are about to use a specific formula that uses the algorithm you have known above. Before that, ensure that you are holding the cube so the yellow square on the top corner is on the front left side. In this position, the yellow square that faces you is on the right corner side. Now, follow the following formula to move the cube:

R, U, Ri, U, R, U2, and Ri

So, the first thing to do is move the squares on your right hand up or clockwise. Now, continue it by moving the top layer of the cube to the right or clockwise. The third step is by moving the layer on your right hand down or counterclockwise.

Next, focus on the top layer and move it to the right or clockwise. Change your focus to the layer on your right hand and move it up or clockwise. Continue the process by moving the top layer to the right or clockwise twice. The last thing to do is move the layer on your right hand down or counterclockwise. That’s it! The yellow layer in your Rubik’s cube is complete now!

The Way to Solve a Big Fish Pattern in Rubik’s Cube

So, how if you face a big fish pattern? Don’t worry! The way to complete this pattern is as easy as completing a little fish pattern. You still have to remember the algorithm in Rubik’s cube and use the formula below to complete a big fish pattern.

R, Ui 2, Ri, Ui, R, Ui, and Ri

Ensure that the yellow square on the top corner or the head of the fish is facing your left front side before moving the cube. Now, begin to move the layer on your right hand up or clockwise. It means you are moving the tail of the fish.

Next, rotate the top layer counterclockwise twice. Continue the movement by rotating the layer on your right hand down or counterclockwise. Move your hand to the top layer and rotate it down or counterclockwise.

Go back to the layer on your right hand and rotate it up or clockwise. Then, rotate the top layer down or counterclockwise. The last thing to do to accomplish this big fish pattern is by rotating the layer on the right down or counterclockwise. The yellow layer should be done now if the position is correct and you are following the formula above.

The Way to Solve a Double Fish Pattern 

You should place the yellow corners on the left and right sides first before solving this pattern. Now, use the little fish algorithm or formula above twice. It will be:

R, U, Ri, U, R, U2, and Ri and continue it with R, U, Ri, U, R, U2, and Ri

The Way to Solve a No Fish Pattern 

Ensure that the yellow corners are on the same side to the left side. When it is ready follow the formula below

F, R, U, Ri, Ui, and Fi, and then F, R, U, Ri, Ui, and Fi

First, move the layer facing you clockwise or to the right. Then, go to the right layer and rotate it up or clockwise. The third step is rotating the top layer clockwise. Continue the step by rotating the right layer down or counterclockwise.

Back to the top layer and rotate it counterclockwise. Focus on the layer facing you and move it counterclockwise. Now, follow the second formula in which you should rotate the layer facing you clockwise.

Use your right hand to rotate the right layer up. Now, go to the top layer and rotate it clockwise. Go back to the right layer and move it down. Rotate the top layer counterclockwise. Finish it by rotating the layer facing you counterclockwise.

It seems that the fish method Rubik’s cube above looks complicated. Indeed, Tommy Cherry thought the same thing at first. The key is to get used to Rubik’s cube. Keep practicing Rubik’s cube while memorizing the algorithm or formula. Soon, you can accomplish the cube and even be as fast as Tommy Cherry. The most important thing is that you finally know how to solve fish pattern in Rubik’s cube.

Rubik’s cube double fish pattern

The Rubik’s Cube Double Fish pattern is a variation of the Rubik’s Cube Fish pattern. It is an advanced and difficult move to perform, as it requires a lot of hand dexterity and solves the cube differently than the traditional way.

The Rubik’s Cube Double Fish pattern was invented by Mirek Goljan and it was first published on his website in 2012.

The Double Fish Pattern is a very interesting and challenging pattern for the Rubik’s Cube that requires a lot of patience and skill to solve. It is also one of the most difficult patterns because it requires a lot of memorization, planning, and execution.

The Double Fish Pattern starts with a combination of a square and a cross from the top face of the cube. It then proceeds to create another square on top of that cross and finally finishes off with another cross on top of that square. It can be solved by starting from any corner, but it’s best to start from the bottom-left corner.