How to Train an English Bull Terrier: A Complete Guide

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An English bull terrier is an intelligent, energetic dog that thrives on routine and challenge in equal measure. How to train an English Bull Terrier? With correct training, this breed can become your loving companion and a reliable guard dog. English bull terriers are known for their love of food and their stubborn streak.

They also have a lot of energy, so they need plenty of exercises and mental stimulation. Training an English bull terrier requires you to be consistent and firm with the pup from the very beginning, as well as the patient.

These dogs respond well to positive reinforcement. Such as treats when they follow commands correctly, or negative reinforcement like stopping playtime when the dog does something you don’t like. The following guide will help you to understand the temperament of your pet better and train him effectively. Let’s get started!

How to Train an English Bull Terrier: A Complete Guide

Choosing the Right Type of Collar and leash

To train your dog successfully, you will need to choose the right collar and leash. First, find out what type of collar your dog will respond well to. This can be a harness, a regular collar, or a choke collar. A regular collar may be too loose around the dog’s neck and may not make him feel secure enough to listen to you properly.

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The same is true for a choke collar, which may scare your dog into disobedience. A harness is a great option on the other hand, as it will help your dog feel more secure. But it won’t be enough for certain training activities.

When you are picking a leash, look for one that has a swivel at the end so that your dog doesn’t get tangled up in it while you are training. He should be able to move freely while he is learning without getting in his way.

Establishing Dominance

As soon as you bring your dog home, it is important to establish your dominance as his owner. This means that you should feed your dog after you have eaten and make him wait until you tell him he can eat. You should also be the one to give him water and take him out to the bathroom.

You can also put a nice dog collar around his neck and wait until he has grown into it before you attach a leash to it. If possible, have your dog sleep in a crate or in a separate room from you where he can’t get into trouble.

Doing these things will help you to create a bond of trust between you and your dog and will make the training process easier for you.

Teaching Basic Commands

Basic commands like sit, stay, come, and down will make your dog easier to train and more obedient. You can start training these from the first day you get your dog. Whenever you are feeding him, waiting for him to eat, or giving him water, wait for him to sit before you give him anything.

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Then, repeat the same action and wait for him to settle again before he gets food or water a second time. If you are doing this at the right time of day, he will also be very tired and will sit automatically. When he is sitting comfortably, hold a treat a foot away from his nose and wait for him to follow it with his head.

This is called the “Look” command and is used to get your dog to focus his eyes on you without moving the rest of his body. If he manages to do this, drop the treat on the ground in front of him. If he doesn’t respond, try again the next day. Once your dog has mastered the “Sit” and “Look” commands, you can add more to his training.

Teaching Your English Bull Terrier to Come When Called

The “Come” command will keep your dog from running away from you and getting into danger. To train this, stand near a wall or fence that your dog can’t climb or go through and call your dog to you. Wait for him to come to you and then reward him with a treat and a lot of praise.

Begin to call him more often and be more insistent that he comes to you. Once he is responding well to this command, start using it out on walks and in other places where there are no walls or fences to keep him from running away.

Start at longer distances and work your way up to shorter ones until your dog is responding to the command at any distance.

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Teaching No & Stop Behavior

To train your dog to stop doing something, you must first be able to recognize what that something is. If your dog is jumping on people, you need to change your behavior so that he doesn’t learn the word “jump”. Stand up tall and hold your arms out to the side so that your dog can’t jump up on you.

Then, say “stop” in a firm voice as soon as your dog begins to jump. Wait until he has stopped before you give him anything in return, like petting or treats. If you reward him before he has stopped jumping, he won’t learn the lesson.

Repeat the “stop” and “no” commands each time your dog begins to jump. He will soon learn these words and their meaning.


An English bull terrier can be a wonderful addition to a family, as long as they are trained properly from the beginning. This breed is intelligent and eager to please, so they respond well to positive training methods like praise, treats, and clicker training.

They also thrive on routine, so make sure you give them the same kind of exercise and food at the same times every day. With the right training, an English bull terrier can become a loving and loyal member of any family. Thank you, I hope now you know How to train an English Bull Terrier.