Lying About the Taste of Couple’s Cooking? Please Don’t Do That

Lying About the Taste of Couple’s Cooking? Lately, it has been viral in the world of TikTok video of a wife who mixes her cooking with some salt on a spoon and then tells her husband to try it. When asked: is his wife’s cooking good?

The husband politely said that the taste of his wife’s cooking was very good. Even though it is obvious to humans whose sense of taste still works normally, of course, the taste of the cuisine is very salty.

Many netizens, especially women, appreciate the attitude of the husband. Because it is considered warm thanks to his lies in pleasing the wife. If only this husband was telling the truth, of course, it would be different from the story. This husband would certainly be blasphemed by netizens as a husband who cannot appreciate his wife’s hard work.

This kind of drama actually exists since ancient times. This kind of case is quite a contributing factor in household quarrels. There is no denying the words of a husband who lacks a heart when he comments on the taste of his wife’s cooking become the seeds of a dispute.

However, before we talk further, it is necessary to understand that cooking is not a wife’s obligation. Both wife and husband can do this important domestic work.

Communication is The Key

Sometimes there are types of people who actually know that the food is not good. However, she still hopes that her partner will be romantic by saying that her cooking is the best in the world.

Unfortunately, the reality is not as sweet as the stories in Korean drama and many of these kinds of expectations are downed by reality. Lying about the taste of the cooking will not work out well.

The main point of this problem actually lies in communication. If only the married couple had good and healthy communication, of course, this kind of drama could be minimized. For example, to avoid miscommunication about culinary tastes, it may be possible to discuss them first.

There are times when the taste of our cuisine is actually not bad, but it is not a couple’s taste that day. Whether we love it as much as we do, we will certainly think again if we are told to eat as much as possible.

Therefore, there is no harm in talking about the menu of tomorrow’s cuisine, just like a chat about future dreams. In this case, we don’t have to guess what the couple wants to eat. We also don’t need to be confused in surprising couples with cooking.

Even couples have been prepared early to face various possibilities. For example, he will not want to accept his work friend’s offer to eat together after work because he knows we have cooked at home.

Just Say It Honestly

I’m sure, no one is really happy with the couple’s lies in praising the taste of our actual cuisine that is not good enough. Lying about the taste for good is often considered justification for some people. Even though things like that don’t make people grow. Speaking honestly according to reality is still the best. It’s just that the terms and conditions must also apply.

First, we and our partners must realize that learning to cook is not as easy as learning other things. Moreover, if it is something we have just learned. You know, no one is immediately proficient in an area. It all started with a rookie. Therefore, spousal support to develop this cooking ability is indispensable.

Second, in providing advice and criticism, you must understand the rules. Don’t just say it without thinking. Choose words that are pleasant to hear.

After all, this is not a cookery competition, so the comments don’t have to go too spicy as judges of Master Chef. Basically, all people, if criticized with a spicy sentence without feeling, will be heartache, right?

In this case, if someone does want to accept for the rest of his life eating the cooking of his partner, which he thinks is less related to his taste, it is up to him.

As long as there’s no compulsion in it. However, if it is only harbored and does not dare to be expressed because of the fear of her partner getting angry, it will certainly be a problem sooner or later.

Appreciation is Indispensable

Everyone in this world basically wants to be appreciated for their hard work. It’s just that, the way people appreciate things is different. Not a few of us take it that way, but for a couple, things like this are worth a fortune.

It’s good to start learning to talk from heart-to-heart with human language. Just straight to the point. If there is a lack of something, of course, it can be discussed properly, and then a solution can be found. The key is communication and cooperation. So please, after read our article here, don’t ever lying about the taste of your couple’s cooking anymore.