What Clothes Should You Iron? From the Easiest to the Hardest

What clothes should you iron? Ironing is an insignificant job but important that I do it often. At least once a week I iron. More or less, for almost four years, I have been doing this useless work.

During ironing, I have also experienced some difficulties several times. From irons that can’t be hot to sticky irons, to clothes that get damaged by overheating when ironed. In addition, some of the difficulties that I experienced, were the type of clothing itself. There are many types of clothes that are very difficult to iron until they are really neat.

The experience of ironing, in fact, also made me understand some types of clothes. There are at least some clothes that can be put into categories that are very easy to iron and very difficult to iron.

#1 Underwear and socks

Underwear is a very special garment for mankind. It doesn’t need to be exhibited, but the sensation of using it is very important to feel. It’s very strange if you don’t use your underwear during activities.

Because the underwear itself doesn’t need to be exhibited, I also don’t understand the urgency of ironing the underwear. But, let’s just say, the underwear needs to be ironed, then, the underwear can be in the category of easily ironed clothes. Because, the essence of underwear ironing is that it is unnecessarily very tidy, just make it hot.

This is also the case with socks. Even many of the socks I have can be neat on their own, without needing to be ironed. But, if you want to iron socks, the point is like ironing underwear, doesn’t have to be neat, but hot already.

#2 Jersey football uniform

Whatever the material, this ball jersey is also an easy garment to iron. Enough with the iron, which is still cold, and it only takes one rub, the ball jersey will automatically become neat. Sometimes a ball jersey can be neat on its own, even if it’s not ironed. The ease of ironing ball jerseys, makes me often use ball jerseys in everyday activities. The reason is, of course, not to bother.

#3 Sarong

Whatever the material, the sarong is generally very easy to iron. It’s just that, the size of the sarong itself sometimes makes little effort in ironing it. In addition, difficulties in ironing the sarong are present at the time of folding. Make sure the sarong folds, right on the sarong storage space. But, after all, ironing this sarong is still an easy stage.

#4 Trousers jeans

Similar to a sarong, in ironing jeans, the difficulty is mostly only obtained at the time of folding. For the rest, ironing jeans is a job that is still classified as easy to do.

#5 T-shirt

I don’t get dizzy with some T-shirts that I only use at home. However, for the t-shirts that I sometimes use for college, I will put the maximum effort into making them look neat.

In my experience, ironing t-shirts is not difficult. It’s just that when doing the folding, sometimes the ironed T-shirt can suddenly tangle back. So, sometimes I have to repeat ironing t-shirts to make them look neat.

#6 Shirts

Typically, the shirt itself is kept suspended. Therefore, when ironing shirts, we are not required to understand the technique of folding. But, as always, shirts are used when traveling or to attend formal events.

It makes the shirt a little difficult to iron. The difficulty of ironing shirts is the demand to be neat. Seriously, the neatness of a shirt can be a solver of one’s self-confidence. The tidier the shirt, the more confident he’ll be. However, if the shirt is not tidy, his confidence can decrease.

#7 Long cargo pants

These cargo trousers have their comfort when in use. Comfortable material also has many pockets, which makes me sometimes like trousers of this type. But, cargo trousers, they’re hard to iron sometimes. Uh, or is it that cargo trousers are commonly used in a slightly tangled state?

#8 Sheets

I know, sheets are not clothes. But still, sometimes I have to iron the sheets, at least once every two weeks. The only thing that makes the sheets difficult to iron is the very large size factor. Because it is very difficult to iron, sometimes I prefer to give up not iron it.

Years of ironing experience also influenced me in dressing. I avoid clothes that are very difficult to make neat and prefer clothes that are easy to clean, even though they don’t need to be ironed to the fullest extent.