What Does a Common Raven Sound Like?

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Common ravens are the largest species of a raven. Measuring up to 40 inches in length and weighing around 3 pounds. They have a bold presence, with their black feathers, white throat patches, and red eyes making them stand out from other birds. What does a common raven sound like?

When they are not flying or vocalizing, Common ravens have a natural tendency to stay hidden. This makes it difficult to hear them when they are making noise. Learning how to find the sound that a Common Raven makes is important for researching this bird species.

To capture their sounds and study them further, you must first know what kind of noises they make.  Read on for more information about how to find the sound that a Common Raven makes so that you can start your audio recording sessions with this bird species soon.

Finding the sound that a Common Raven Makes

The first thing that you should do to find the sound that a Common Raven makes is to identify its vocal communication methods. Ravens are relatively quiet birds and make very little noise when they are alone. When they do make noise, it is typically in response to a human or other threat nearby.

To start finding the sound that a Common Raven makes, look for places where the birds congregate. They are often found near livestock, fresh water sources, and open fields with ample sources of food.

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They can be seen in cities and suburbs as well, often near large parks or other green areas. If a raven is nearby, you can use a few different methods to find the sound that it makes.

How Do Common Ravens Make Their Sound?

Common ravens do not have a wide variety of vocalizations. They have a few different methods of communication that they rely on in daily life. When they are alone, they make several sounds, including clicks, clucking noises, and rattling sounds.

Common ravens also have a few calls that they use in social situations. The most common call of the Common Raven is a traditional “caw.” This can be heard in many situations, including when a raven is alone or when they are calling to others of their species in flight or from a tree.

This call is frequently used when a raven is marking territory or defending itself from other animals, humans, or potential threats.

The Call of the Common Raven

While all species of ravens have called, the call of the Common Raven is one of the loudest and most distinct raven sounds. This call is often described as a two-note phrase, with the first note being lower than the second.

The call of the Common Raven is often described as sounding like “caw, caw,” or “caaaaw.” The call of the Common Raven can be heard or recorded at any time of day, though it is most common in the morning or at dusk and dawn.

Ravens will often use this call when they are flying and looking for food. They also use it when they are defending themselves against a threat or when they are looking for a mate.

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What Does a Common Raven Sound Like?

As mentioned, the call of the Common Raven is a two-note, loud sound that is widely recognized. This sound is often described as being similar to the sound of someone dragging a wooden rake across a metal roof.

Other sounds made by common ravens when they are alone included clicking noises, clucking noises, and rattling sounds. The sounds made by a Common Raven are also unique because each bird has the sound that it produces.

This means that in a roosting or nesting area with multiple common ravens, each bird will have a unique sound that it makes. This is especially true when the birds are alone, making it possible to tell the difference between individuals by ear.

Other Sounds Made by Common Ravens

In addition to the calls, noises, and sounds that a Common Raven makes, they also have several other vocalizations that are worth noting. When they are mating or courting, ravens will make a purring sound.

When they are distressed, they will make a whistling sound. And when they are feeding a young raven or when they have a large food source that needs to be shared, they will make a grunting sound. Ravens also have a variety of non-vocal sounds that they make.

These include wing flapping, scratching, and clicking noises that are made when the ravens are on a perch. When ravens are flying, they can also make noises as their feathers rub together and move through the air.


To find the sound that a Common Raven makes, you must first identify the vocal communication methods used by this species of a raven. Once you know how ravens make noise, you can look for places near you where this bird might be found.

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When you find a raven, use a variety of methods to listen for sounds that the bird might be making. When you hear the sounds that a Common Raven makes, you can then record these noises and study them further to understand and research this bird species better.