What Does Prehistory Mean and Why You Should Learn It

Do you know a DreamWorks animation movie entitled The Croods? The setting of this movie is in the prehistoric period. The characters in the movie look so different compared to modern people, right?
It Is the same case with Jurassic Park. The animals known as dinosaurs also live in the prehistoric period. So, what does prehistory mean? The explanation will make you understand more about it. You will even understand why you should learn about the prehistoric period.

About Prehistoric Period

The prehistoric period was the time when human society understood writing systems. Historians divide prehistory into three different periods, which are the stone age, the bronze age, and the iron age.

Due to the explanation, this period started from the beginning of the universe or the Earth, the first humans on Earth until they learned about writing concepts. Learning the prehistoric period means that you learn more about one of the most popular prehistoric animals, dinosaurs! Let’s discuss it more below.

The Stone Age or Paleolithic

It was the time when the first human beings appeared on Earth. Historians predict that the stone age or Paleolithic lasted for 3.4 million years. So, how did they explain something if they didn’t know about writing systems?

When you watch The Croods, you will see some images inside the cave. It is the way Paleolithic society communicates to explain something.

Paleolithic society often paints images on the wall using charcoal, fat animals, and water. Just like its name, humans in this age created tools from stones, such as axes and spears, and animal skins as their clothes.
They lived from one area to another area or are known as nomads.

They use stone tools to hunt animals, find wild fruits, and other things they can eat in the jungle to survive. It was the time when humans created fire.

The Middle Stone Period or Mesolithic

After a few centuries, humans started to learn so many things, including farming. It was known as the Middle Stone period or Mesolithic. They also started using animals to help them and lived in a more permanent structure. Historians believe that it was the time when humans knew about the village concept.

The New Stone Period or Neolithic

Besides learning about farming, people in this period also learned about how to make potteries. Human beings keep improving their skills and knowledge. As a result, they know how to cultivate the land and grow crops, the way to create wheels, and improve their fishing technique. It was known as the New Store period or Neolithic. This period ended between 8.700 BC and 2.000 BC.

The Bronze Age

The Bronze Age started when humans invented metals, such as copper and tin. It was also the time when they discovered bronze. Historians predict that the Bronze Age happened at around 3300 BC. During this period, their tools and weapons became more effective.

They also learned a process known as metallurgy. It is a process of melting iron at extremely high temperatures. At the same time, it improved their hunting techniques and agriculture.

Unlike the Stone Age, people in the Bronze Age understood writing concepts. It was even the time when the first written language was discovered.


It was also the time when humans learned about the trading concept. In that period, humans didn’t use the money to buy something yet. Indeed, money has not been invented yet. People in the Bronze age used a concept known as bartering.

It means that they exchange products they need. For example, you have eggs and need vegetables. It means you have to find a person who needs eggs and they have vegetables. Then, both of you barter the products.


Starting from a small nomadic group and village, they started to build cities with a variety of inventions and trade. The population also significantly rose in this period. In this period, people started to use sailboats and wagons. Unfortunately, the first slavery was born.


Megaliths are another well-known heritage from the Bronze Age. It is a construction created with large blocks of stone. People put large stones vertically. Nowadays, you can see Megaliths in Sweden and the Mediterranean Sea.

The Bronze period ended between 1200 BC and 600 BC. So, what does prehistory mean? It is also related to the Iron Age.

The Iron Age

Just like the name, it was the time when people used iron to make tools. People moved from bronze to iron since this product was cheaper and more plentiful.

In this period, the tool quality was significantly improved. Yes, iron is a stronger metal compared to bronze. It was a sign when people started to understand simple technology.

Hill Forts

People finally knew how to build forts on hilltops. They mixed it with a lot of soil and ditches. Most hill forts used wooden walls. It protects the area from the enemy. Yes, the Iron Age was also the time when people knew about wars.

Religions, Language, Medicine

The Iron Age was the end of the prehistoric period and the beginning of the historical period. In this period, people were much smarter. They learn more about languages, medicines, and even religions.

The Reason Why You Should Learn Prehistoric Period

Learning from the past is so important. You will have a better understanding of what happened before humans knew the writing concept. You know the way they live and survive. It explains a long process of how humans learned something until they invented the internet and other technologies.

Knowing more about the prehistory period also gives you a better understanding of the way species evolved and how ancient societies responded to any change.

The report from the historians also helps modern people to develop something better and more advanced than the present. You even finally understand where you have come from and why you were here.

Dinosaurs and Humans

So, where were the dinosaurs? Did this ancient animal live in the prehistoric period when humans came to the Earth? Surprisingly, dinosaurs came to the Earth earlier than humans.

65 million years after the extinction of dinosaurs, humans came to Earth. The prehistoric timeline of dinosaurs is divided into Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.


Prehistory has a crucial role in the history of humans. It was the time when the first human was born. Prehistory guides you to know ancient things that you don’t know. After learning about the prehistoric period, you may realize how hard they live to survive.

They didn’t even know about technology at all, such as televisions, smartphones, the internet, and others. Imagine how hard it is to live as nomads, especially if there is a disaster, when they have to fight against wild animals, and many more.

The interesting part is, what does prehistory mean? It may have inspired you to create a cool animation movie just like DreamWorks did when they finally released The Croods or Jurassic Park by Universal Studio.