What is a Pluviophile? Check Out 11 Accurate Signs of Pluviophile

What is a pluviophile? There are names for people who adore certain things. We call bibliophiles people who adore reading a book. We call oenophiles people who love wine. We call Oceanophile people who love the ocean. But there’s also something called a pluviophile. And this unusual term may have more psychological significance than you think.

What is a Pluviophile? About Pluviophile

What is a pluviophile? A pluviophile is someone who enjoys the rain, to put it simply.

Between those who adore the summer and those who love the winter, those who truly love rain can’t get enough of the rain or the sunshine, respectively. Being a pluviophile, however, has benefits for your mental health beyond simply appreciating the rain.

Those who enjoy the rain are known as pluviophiles. They are the ones who dash outside in the middle of a downpour and dance around while sticking out their tongues to catch a few droplets.

Pluviophiles love the summer and the winter, but what distinguishes them from the rest of the group is their inventiveness and carefree nature on wet days. Why is it called pluviophile? The word Pluviophile comes from the word “Pluvial” which means rain in Latin and the word “Phile” which means someone who has a fondness for a certain thing.

Signs of Pluviophile

What is a Pluviophile

How do you know if you’re a pluviophile? Here are some signs of a pluviophile that you must know.

Hearing the rain puts you at rest.

Have there ever been times when you hear the sound of rain on your roof and instantly feel “at home”? Even though you may already be in your own home, something about the falling water makes you feel at ease. You quickly grab a snack and head to your favorite position on the couch to binge-watch the newest Netflix series instead of feeling depressed like the weather outside.

When it’s raining, you should venture outside.

I used to enjoy running outside in the rain as a child and splashing around. Concerning whether or not my clothes would become wet, I had zero concern. But as I got older, I started to dislike the rain.

The only thought that crosses the minds of pluviophiles when they are having the time of their lives is, “I hope the rain doesn’t stop.” Pluviophiles do not mind getting their clothes and hair wet. Maybe you and your buddies are the types of people who don’t mind hanging out in the rain. You only need yourself and the rain, so it’s okay.

You adore the aroma in the air.

I adore the air’s aroma just before it starts to rain. It nearly feels like breathing in the purest air possible, exactly as the cosmos intended.

Pluviophiles can’t get enough of the beautiful perfume known as petrichor, and their only goal is to capture it in a bottle and keep it with them always.

You favor dressing in dark clothing.

The heavens and clouds are shrouded in ominous shadows before it begins to rain. However, it is after a storm that flowers bloom and a rainbow appears. Both of these qualities appeal to you. People may find it amusing that you prefer dark attire, but you enjoy both the vivid rainbow colors and the dreary shades of gray.

You fall asleep in the rain.

All a pluviophile wants at the end of the day is a lengthy downpour to clear their head. Many people find it difficult to fall asleep when it rains, but you and your body know that it’s time for some rest when it does.

You fall asleep to the soothing sound of the rain, which is similar to a mother tucking her infant into bed. Pluviophiles might also appreciate a beautiful thunderstorm and discover that the sound of the thunder aids in falling asleep.

Playing a loop of rain songs?

If you’re a pluviophile, you almost certainly have a playlist for rainy days—sometimes even more than one. One for the office, one for a relaxing day at home, one for the road, and so forth. Each one embodies rain and monsoon through music. The only ones that truly make you happy and that you can play repeatedly are these.

Your ideal vacation is a monsoon.

Your preference for rainy weather means that you frequently schedule your vacation around the monsoon season. Whatever your ideal vacation spot may be, picturing it in the rain makes you want it even more.

For you, the only sound that the hills make is the pitter-patter of rainfall. When the water from heaven and the water from earth mix, beaches become more beautiful. You’ve been to places famed for their monsoon wrath twelve times. When you suggest taking a 13th holiday there, your companions jump at the chance to slit your throat.

Always be ready! It’s true, but a little crazy.

You are always ready for it because you enjoy the rain. You carry a bag that is waterproof and has a compartment for an umbrella. Your watch is waterproof, and your shoes are water-resistant. You also have a waterproof phone case.

You are continuously thinking about rain if you are in this constant state of readiness. All of these are indications that you enjoy the rain.

A residence lacking a terrace? Heretical!

When looking for a place to stay, the first consideration is whether the accommodation provides access to a terrace or at the very least a window that faces the sky. The opportunity to be outside when it starts to rain is simply unavoidable for someone who spends most of their time waiting for it to rain. One of the definite indicators that you are a pluviophile is this.

You’d pick “Rainy Day at Work”

When I was a child, it was simple since the schools would advertise wet days. Now you have to think of reasons to stay inside and enjoy a cup of coffee whenever it rains. Your favorite holidays are still the ones that rain. You have been nagging the boss to announce for a while. You may use justifications such as the insane traffic, the waterlogging is unsafe, the puddles of rainwater make you feel gross, or you don’t want to risk getting sick by getting wet in the rain to support your strange request. The exact reverse is true in reality. On a rainy day, staying in is all you want to do.

You are probably ready for the beautiful moments that come with rain if you have a lot of rain gear, including colorful raincoats, rain boots, and umbrellas, among other items. You still can find some other signs that indicate whether you are a pluviophile or not. It is good to love rain and rainy days. Being a pluviophile is a beautiful experience since rain gives those who encounter it a sense of pleasure and contentment. What is a pluviophile? You got the answer now.