What’s The Story Behind the Bermuda Triangle?

One day in the early 20th century, a ship carrying 300 people just disappeared in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Surprisingly, the same thing happened, time and time again, in the same location. From time to time, we know this mysterious location by the name of the Bermuda Triangle, or what is often called… Devil’s Triangle. Actually … what’s the story behind the Bermuda triangle?

The oddity in these waters was first noticed by Christopher Columbus. Then rumors began to spread that there were many monsters, there were aliens, to other weird rumors. The name of the Bermuda Triangle itself started to boom after appearing in magazines in the 60s. And until now it has become a favorite of conspiracy theorists. But in fact, is it all true?

What’s The Story Behind the Bermuda Triangle?

In short, the rumors are not necessarily true. As science develops, these mysterious events don’t seem strange anymore. First, scientific analysis shows that apparently, the number of accidents that occur in the Bermuda Triangle is not much different from that in other marine areas.

Until now, this sea is often a crossing area without being disturbed by strange things. Second, this area is flooded by ocean currents which are equivalent to 300 times the current of Niagara Falls, and at the bottom, there is a very… very… deep trough.

No wonder, a crashed plane or a sinking ship will be hard to find even if the water is messed with. After all, many accidents happened way back in an era when technology wasn’t as advanced as it is today. So, maybe the Bermuda Triangle is just a trick of the meatball seller?

These mysterious triangles even exist in Indonesia! The name is no less horrifying, namely… the Masalembo Triangle, where the plane Adam Air 574 is claimed to have crashed. Unfortunately, scientific research again proves that the sea demons are not at fault in this case.

The Masalembo Triangle is a meeting place for strong ocean currents, with wind conditions that can be extreme. It is suspected that these natural elements are the main suspects in various strange accidents in the Masalembo Triangle.

Now, we are starting to know, what is behind the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle and other triangles. But if you don’t believe it, just prove it by going to the spot. Just don’t forget to bring your favorite lunch. And as always, thank you.