Why Can’t Astronauts Fart in Space?

When you’re in space, farting is something that’s rarely discussed. But why? In this article, we’ll explain the science behind farts and why astronauts can’t fart in space.

Flatulence is a byproduct of bacteria in your gut

Farting is caused by gases produced by bacteria in your gut. These bacteria are affected by diet, medication, stress, and exercise. It’s also possible to kill them off with antibiotics such as amoxicillin or ciprofloxacin. Although these drugs will wipe out the good bacteria along with the bad.

Some people are more prone to flatulence than others. For example, those who eat a lot of beans tend to fart more than those who don’t eat much fiber. Some people find that drinking milk makes their gas worse too.

Farting is a combination of gases and solids within your stomach

Farting, or flatulence, is a combination of gases and solids within your stomach. Gas is produced by bacteria in your gut. Solids are produced by the food you eat. You need to have a small amount of gas and solids to be able to fart; however, it’s still possible for astronauts to fart when there’s no solid material in their stomachs at all!

Farts are made up mostly of nitrogen (78%) and hydrogen (21%), with smaller amounts of oxygen (1%), carbon dioxide (.5%), methane (.2%), and other gases making up the rest of the mix.

There’s no humidity in space

Humidity is important for helping to break down the gases in your body, as well as helping to keep your skin healthy. Without it, you’ll be more prone to dry skin and other skin problems such as eczema.

Your sweat doesn’t evaporate when it hits the air in a space suit because there’s no humidity present—and that means that any smell produced by your sweat isn’t going away either. It’s also hard to clean up after yourself when there’s no water around!

There is no gravity in space

There is no gravity in space, so fluids stay inside the body. This means that you can’t use the restroom as you do on Earth—there’s nothing pulling waste down your colon. Without gravity, your waste just stays where it is because there’s no reason for it to move anywhere else.

For this reason alone, astronauts get constipated while they’re in orbit. They also have to drink a lot of liquids and eat high-fiber foods to keep things moving along down there (otherwise known as “going”). And if an astronaut gets sick or experiences diarrhea? That’ll be even worse than usual because there are no toilets onboard the spacecrafts!

You can’t hear someone fart in space because the sound waves need to travel through something before they reach your ears

Besides, you can’t hear someone fart in space because the sound waves need to travel through something before they reach your ears. In this case, the air is what carries the sound waves. Without air, you’re going to have a hard time hearing anything at all!

Sound waves travel through space! You might be wondering how this works since there’s no air in space for them to bounce off of. The answer lies in another cool thing about sound: it travels at different speeds depending on what type of material (air or liquid) it’s moving through.

When you make a noise while swimming underwater, it’ll take longer for that noise to reach someone standing above water than if they were both standing on dry land next to each other.

This means that when astronauts fart in space—or anywhere else without air around—there won’t be anyone nearby who can hear them doing so!

The gases inside your body expand and won’t be released so you’ll get constipated

This is why astronauts don’t fart in space. I don’t think they can fart in space, because it will cause them to die. So if you’re wondering why astronauts can’t fart in space, it’s because the gas would expand and never leave their bodies. If this happens, it could lead to constipation or death!


It’s important to understand that farts are a natural part of life. Astronauts fart just like we do on Earth, and they can even smell the smell. But it will not be released because there is no gravity or humidity in space so the gases inside your body expand and won’t be released so you’ll get constipated with no way of relieving yourself unless someone helps you do so.