Why do We Love Anime Characters? 3 Logical Reasons

It’s only right that we admit that falling in love is a common thing. They’re in different shapes, not just one or two. People can fall in love with anyone without exception. Whether is to people with very distant age differences, strangers who have just met, or even anime and fiction characters from favorite series. And now, falling in love with anime characters and fiction has become a common thing too.

For people who have never felt this kind of love, it’s only natural to assume that the feelings we feel are strange and tend to be absurd. As one of the lovers of anime and fiction characters, let me tell you, yes, this kind of love is just as appropriate to loving humans in the real world.

We flutter every time the character we like appears in the story. Be amazed every time she shows her charm. We misbehave and smile ourselves every time his shadow comes into our heads. It’s like falling in love with another human.

Do you know? Being in love with anime and fiction, there are several levels. There are types fall in love with anime characters and fiction, but also have lovers in the real world. Some are so in love with anime and fiction characters, that they do not have humans to love. Some have decided to “marry” the anime and fiction characters they love.

In my opinion and probably most people who feel the same feeling, loving that character is much more worth it than loving a human being. Here is why:

#1 Low level of Heartbreaking

Loving humans are susceptible to inflicting inner wounds that are difficult to heal. Meanwhile, loving anime and fiction characters are less like drama. There is still turmoil, but usually does not make an inner wound.

This can happen because of the difference in dimensions we live in between the anime and fiction characters. We live in a real world of pain and suffering, while fictional characters live in a world that has been designed and determined by its creators.

If the anime characters we like do something that sucks and can trigger heartbreak, it’s not us they hurt, but other characters who live one-dimensional lives with it.
People who fall in love with anime and fiction characters tend to be able to control expectations from the beginning. These people know themselves. The figure they love is of different dimensions. As a result, they become better at setting expectations.

Different stories about loving people in the real world. We have more difficulty controlling hope. It’s been so much easier for humans to hurt each other. Neither through words, nor deeds. If it is heartbreaking, usually leaves a premonition.

#2 Ideal types that are hard to get

One of the reasons someone can fall in love with anime and fiction characters is that they have the traits of an ideal partner. A trait we may never encounter in the real world. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of people out there who have never felt love with their partners. All there is a compulsion.

Anime and fictional characters are described as perfect, charming, and doing little wrong. On many occasions, it often melted us down.

If no matching anime characters are found, one has the option to create one’s character. Fall in love with your design figure? Safe from the heartbreaking moment.

It’s not a strange thing. Many anime creators and novelists fell in love with the characters of their creations. The reason is that the character is a combination of ideas about the ideal figure they want.

#3 The impact if caught are lesser

Ever been caught in love with someone by a classmate? I had a chance to feel this one, and it just sucks.

My classmates who have the soul of a king-level matchmaker, have called the woman I like, then told her that I like her.

Instantly my overthinking increased. What if she gets annoyed? What if my misbehavior was much more visible to her since she knew I was in love with her? And all sorts of other overthinking.

None of this would have happened if what you love were anime and fiction. When my friends found out, they just thought I was “weird”.

“How can you have feelings for people who are not in the world?” That’s what they thought.

They can’t mess with my relationship and my love story. Moreover, there is no more embarrassing moment than stating to the fictional character that I was in love with. I told you earlier, it’s troublesome, considering the dimensional difference between me and the anime character.

Well, suppose that’s why loving anime and fiction characters are so much better than loving people in the real world. For readers who have experienced the same feeling, my message is just one, just be yourself.

By the way, what makes you happy to keep your feelings for her in such a different dimension?