Why Human Skin Color is Different?

It seems, there are still many who think that we have to have smooth white skin to be considered beautiful or handsome. Hence, many are less confident if their skin is dark. If so, why human skin color is different? Why not all white?

Why Human Skin Color is Different?

Our skin color is strongly influenced by several chemical compounds in the body. Especially melanin which can also be found in hair and eyes. This compound functions like a natural umbrella that protects the skin from the hot sun. When the sun’s rays are too hot, melanin will react to change the skin color pigment so that it becomes darker, so that we are protected from the harmful effects of solar radiation. On the other hand, when there is little sunlight, melanin will change the skin color pigment to be brighter. As a result, the skin can absorb radiation optimally, which will be processed by the body into pro-vitamin D.

If that’s the case, why are we all born with different skin color templates, and can’t we just follow the sun’s rays? According to expert estimates, our ancestors probably came from the African region. From there, they spread to various parts of the world with varying climates. As a result, their skin color adjusts to the area in which they live. This trait is then passed down to the next generations, until now.

However, there are indeed some unique cases, where babies with pale skin, hair, and eyes can be born to dark-skinned parents. This case can occur in people with Albino, whose melanin does not function properly, so they are more susceptible to skin cancer and premature aging.

So, the difference in skin color has nothing to do with beauty, handsomeness, or success. Without this difference, our ancestors might not be able to survive and gave birth to us.