How Fast Can an Alligator Run On Dry Land? Find Out And More

Even though alligators are often thought of as slow, lazy reptilian creatures, they’re quite fast when they need to be. In the wild, their average top speed is somewhere around 10-15 miles per hour. However, if they’re chasing prey or are trying to escape a threat, an alligator can reach speeds of up to 25 MPH for short bursts of time. Because of their reputation as sluggish lizards, many people might not think of alligators as being fast creatures – and in reality, it’s understandable that most people wouldn’t immediately think about them as being fast reptiles. But believe it or not, there are some pretty impressive stats regarding how fast an alligator can run. Let’s take a look at some interesting facts regarding how fast an alligator can run on dry land and the circumstances under which they might be able to achieve these speeds:

How Fast Can An Alligator Run?

First, let’s take a look at how fast an alligator can run. There is no one-size-fits-all answer here because alligators come in many sizes. There are about 15 different species of alligators throughout the world. The larger species of alligators can run much faster than the smaller species.

The largest species of alligator, the Chinese alligator, can grow up to 6.5 feet in length and weigh up to 300 pounds. Because of their large size, these alligators can run up to 25 miles per hour – an impressive speed for a reptile! They are even faster than some people might think crocodiles are.

Alligator Running Speed: Quickness Vs. Speed

There’s a difference between how fast an alligator can run and how quickly it can get somewhere. Many people assume that if an alligator can run at 10 miles per hour, then it can also walk at 10 miles per hour. This isn’t the case: Most animals can move faster than they can run.

This is because running requires a certain amount of build-up and momentum that walking doesn’t require: Alligators can walk at a much faster rate than they can run because walking doesn’t require that same build-up of momentum.

However, alligators are still very quick creatures. They aren’t exactly slow walkers either – they can walk at a rate of around 1.5 miles per hour.

So Exactly How Fast Is an Alligator?

Alligator running speed, as we’ve discussed, varies depending on the species. The large Chinese alligator can run at up to 25 miles per hour, and some alligators in the smaller species can run at up to 15 miles per hour.

While most alligators can run at around 10 miles per hour, there are some alligators in the smaller species that can only run at a rate of 2 miles per hour. The largest species of alligator are the only ones who can run at speeds that are comparable to more “exciting” animals like cheetahs and jackrabbits.

Why Are Alligators Fast When They Need To Be?

So why are alligators fast when they need to be? Well, there are a few different reasons for this. First and foremost, being a fast reptile makes alligators better hunters. If they need to chase down and capture prey, being able to run quickly is a definite advantage.

Secondly, being a fast reptile can help alligators escape threats. If they need to get away from something (like a hungry crocodile or another alligator) they can run away quickly and easily.

The Benefit Of Being A Fast Reptile

As we’ve discussed, being a fast reptile is beneficial to alligators in many ways. But why did these alligators evolve to be fast in the first place? There are a few different theories about this:

 Alligators evolved to be fast so they could hunt better

If they can catch enough prey to sustain their population, they won’t need to rely on fishing and eating aquatic vegetation

Alligators evolved to be fast so they could run away from predators better

Being able to run away quickly from other animals that might try to eat them can help alligators survive and thrive. If an alligator can run away quickly from a predator, then they are less likely to be killed.

All two of these points may have some degree of truth to them.


Alligators are one of the few reptiles that have enough speed to catch some faster animals in their environments, like rabbits and waterfowl. They can also run quickly away from threats, like humans, to protect themselves.

If you’ve ever wondered “how fast can an alligator run on dry land?” you now have the answer. These reptiles are quick creatures that can move at a decent rate of speed when necessary.