Why is Venus Sometimes Called the Morning Star?

Why is Venus Sometimes Called the Morning Star

The planet Venus is visible as an evening star from around the start of October until the end of December. And then again from around mid-February until mid-March. It’s visible in the western sky after sunset and goes by its other name, the Evening Star. However, it’s also sometimes seen in the morning sky before … Read more

Why is the Sun So Important to Earth?

Why is the Sun So Important to Earth

Why is the Sun so important to Earth? The sun isn’t just there for our benefit; it has a direct impact on all things that live on Earth. The earth’s rotation, weather patterns, and other natural phenomena all depend on the sun. It also affects everything from plants to animals and humans in different ways … Read more

Why Are There Plants Under The Sea?

Why Are There Plants Under The Sea

As creatures that live on land, we know there are always plants on our left and right. But, what happens under the sea there? Why are there plants under the sea? Is there any forest under the sea like on land? Why are there plants under the sea? Yes, so, all this time we might … Read more

How to Get Rid of Ambrosia Beetles: 5 Steps to Success

How to Get Rid of Ambrosia Beetles

If you’ve ever grown asparagus, you know that it can be plagued by so-called “false crawlers” or ambrosia beetles. While they don’t usually pose a threat to the asparagus in your garden, a combination of factors may lead to an outbreak of these pests. If your asparagus bed is under attack by ambrosia beetles, it’s … Read more

How Much Food is Wasted in This World?

How Much Food is Wasted in This World

Very often, when we are hungry, we usually take the food right away. Even though when you eat it, the ends… Not fully finished. Finally, the delicious food ended up in the trash can. And maybe this scenario is what keeps happening in every restaurant, supermarket, and even our neighbors’ parties! The question is: how … Read more

Why Human Skin Color is Different?

Why Human Skin Color is Different

It seems, there are still many who think that we have to have smooth white skin to be considered beautiful or handsome. Hence, many are less confident if their skin is dark. If so, why human skin color is different? Why not all white? Why Human Skin Color is Different? Our skin color is strongly … Read more

Are Alpacas Vegetarian? The Answer To The Ultimate Question

Are Alpacas Vegetarian

You probably already know that alpacas are awesome. But do you know why they’re so awesome?The reason is that they are vegetarians! These majestic creatures can only live off of plant-based foods, leaving them with a very wholesome and balanced diet. Alpacas have the reputation for being one of the most herbivorous animals in the … Read more

Can Humans Evolve to Live In Space?

Can Humans Evolve to Live In Space

If you look at the movies, it seems like it’s really fun to live in outer space! Unfortunately, it’s all fiction. But, can humans evolve to live in space, and even create our own country? Yes, indeed the earth is the most comfortable place in the universe, for us. There’s oxygen, water, food, and uhh… … Read more

What’s The Story Behind the Bermuda Triangle?

What's The Story Behind the Bermuda Triangle

One day in the early 20th century, a ship carrying 300 people just disappeared in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Surprisingly, the same thing happened, time and time again, in the same location. From time to time, we know this mysterious location by the name of the Bermuda Triangle, or what is often called… … Read more

Are Alaskan Malamutes Good With Cats?

Are Alaskan Malamutes Good With Cats

Are you a cat lover looking to add a feline friend to your home? If so, you might be considering adopting an Alaskan Malamute as your new pet. These large dogs are famous for their loyalty and affectionate nature, making them ideal companions for anyone who enjoys spending time with their pets. Surprisingly, many people … Read more