What do African Golden Cats Eat?

African golden cats have an exciting name, but what do African golden cats Eat? As you might imagine from their name, African golden cats live in Africa. In order to survive and thrive, they need to find a way to get enough food to meet their daily needs. An animal’s diet is one of the most important indicators of its survival potential and its ability to adapt to new situations. For this reason, knowing what an animal eats helps us understand how it will react in certain situations. In this article we will look at what African golden cats eat and their feeding habits in general. Are they active hunters or do they prefer a more passive approach? Read on to find out.

What Does an African Golden Cat Eat?

As with any species, the diet of an African golden cat will vary depending on where it lives and what time of year it is. However, there are some staple foods that are likely to be found in the African golden cat’s diet. These include:


Often the most abundant food source in the African golden cats’ environment, mammals may include rabbits, rodents, insects, small birds and bats.


While African golden cats are unlikely to actively hunt fish, they are known to feed on dead or dying fish that have been caught by humans.

Fruits and Berries

Some types of African plants produce fruits that are safe to eat and provide a good source of nutrients.

How Often Do African Golden Cats Eat?

The short answer to this question is that African golden cats eat whenever they can. Due to the fact that they are an opportunistic species, they are constantly looking for food, even when they are not necessarily hungry.

This means that they are constantly on the lookout for potential sources of food, which means that they will eat as often as they can. Given that African golden cats live in environments where food sources are inconsistent and unpredictable, it is unlikely that they will have a regular feeding schedule.

Are African Golden Cats Active Hunters?

Given that African golden cats have such a varied diet, it can be hard to decide whether they are active hunters or more passive feeders. However, there are a few things that help us to make this decision.

Hunting Style 

Unlike many other species that rely on hunting as a primary source of food, the African golden cat is a relatively slow hunter. This suggests that they prefer to wait for their prey to come to them and are not actively searching out potential sources of food.

Preferred Prey 

As we have seen, African golden cats prefer to go after larger mammals and fish. This suggests that they are more passive feeders as these are larger and less likely to be actively hunted by other animals.


The African golden cat is an intriguing species that has many unique characteristics. One of the most exciting things about this animal is its diet, which is varied, plentiful and nutritious.

From this article, we have seen that African golden cats eat a wide variety of different foods.

They are an opportunistic species that will always try to eat whenever possible and will focus its attention on large mammals and fish. If you see one of these animals in your area, you will know what it is eating and how to avoid it.