Why do People Easily Believe in Hoaxes?

Why do People Easily Believe in Hoaxes

Just like a virus that infects us with the flu, fake news… quickly spreads everywhere! The difference is if the flu can be treated by resting and eating healthy food. Hoaxes, or fake news… need stronger medicine! But — as our friend asked — why do people easily believe in hoaxes? Why can it spread … Read more

What is the Future of Shopping Malls?

What is the Future of Shopping Malls

From the past until now, the mall is everyone’s favorite place. However, when online shops appear, we don’t have to bother going out of the house because shopping becomes easier. If so, hmm, will the mall be replaced in the future? What is the future of shopping malls? What is the Future of Shopping Malls? … Read more

What Would the World be Like Without the Internet?

What Would the World be Like Without the Internet

If the internet suddenly slows down, it feels like I want to be angry with the nearest tower. Not only for status updates on social media, but also the internet is used for reading news, ordering taxis everywhere, buying good food, chatting with friends, and reading this article. But, what if one day the world’s … Read more

Is Our Work System Wrong All This Time?

Is Our Work System Wrong All This Time

What do we imagine when we hear the word OFFICE? Imagine the rules in the office and don’t forget… overtime! Not to mention when we go home, we always meet people that are sometimes annoying. On the weekends, when we want to meet family or just have fun, we are too tired to do anything….hmm…… … Read more

How Much Food is Wasted in This World?

How Much Food is Wasted in This World

Very often, when we are hungry, we usually take the food right away. Even though when you eat it, the ends… Not fully finished. Finally, the delicious food ended up in the trash can. And maybe this scenario is what keeps happening in every restaurant, supermarket, and even our neighbors’ parties! The question is: how … Read more

Why Human Skin Color is Different?

Why Human Skin Color is Different

It seems, there are still many who think that we have to have smooth white skin to be considered beautiful or handsome. Hence, many are less confident if their skin is dark. If so, why human skin color is different? Why not all white? Why Human Skin Color is Different? Our skin color is strongly … Read more

What Causes Us to Forget Things?

What Causes Us to Forget Things

If we had a super memory, we definitely wouldn’t have to worry about ‘forgetting’. Because maybe, we all must have experienced a serious situation just because we forgot. What causes us to forget things? Basically, “forgetting” occurs when we fail to recall the memory that we have previously stored. Really, what is this thing called … Read more

Why are Electric Plugs Different in Different Countries?

Why are Electric Plugs Different in Different Countries

For young current hipsters whose hobbies blogging or vlogging, the opportunity to travel abroad must be used to capture as many moments as possible. But what happens if you have a set of advanced gadgets, but they can’t be charged because the plug socket in the destination country is different from the plug from home? … Read more